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ADR: Mediation & Negotiation Skills
This 6-day program meets two course requirements for a Certificate in Conflict Management from Conrad Grebel University College, University of Waterloo.

SY LANDAU, M.B.A., P.Eng., C.H.R.P.


"I chose one particular course, the one offered by Dr. Barbara Landau of Cooperative Solutions in Toronto, because it came highly recommended by several people in the business. ...I enjoyed the course, and I learned a great deal, more than I expected..... " - Journalist, Hamilton, ON

"One of the best courses I have ever been on!" -- Manager, Pay & Benefits, Management Board Secretariat, Ontario. "I will be an advocate of your program and approach" - Lawyer, Toronto "The living experience of each of you as you bring practical examples in broad and detail ways makes this one of the leading experiences that I both valued and enjoyed" - Workplace Consultant, Ontario

"Id like to thank the leaders as well as the participants for making the ADR: Mediation and Negotiating Skills Training Course an incredible experience for me. Out of all the courses Ive taken over the years this one was the best and far surpassed my expectations. I learned so many practical skills as well as a whole new way of thinking about and approaching conflict. Barbara, Rick, Sy and Daryl, you made it a safe, encouraging environment to role play in and you made the lecture parts interesting and fun. I enjoyed meeting my fellow participants and listening to their plans for applying their new skills." - Lawyer, Toronto

Arbitration and Mediation Institute of Ontario certificate upon completion of the 6-day program


Barry B. Fisher - Barrister, Arbitrator, Mediator
Janine Higgins - Mediator, Lawyer
Kathleen Kelly - Kelly International Settlement Services

Most course leaders and faculty members are
Roster Mediators, Ontario Mandatory Mediation Program - Toronto, Ottawa and/or Windsor

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Teaching Methods 
The program consists of two 3-day modules, usually several weeks apart. 

The material is taught through short lectures, videos, self-assessment instruments, case studies, group discussion and multiple role plays. 

Experts in the field of arbitration and mediation are included as guest faculty and role-play coaches.

      Who Should Attend 
Lawyers, mental health professionals, human resources professionals, clerics, educators and others who advise clients about negotiation, arbitration or mediation, or who want to become arbitrators or mediators.

ADR Institute of Ontario
Upon completion of Level 2, participants will receive a Certificate from ADR Ontario.

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Conrad Grebel University College, affiliated with The University of Waterloo

This course is offered in cooperation with Conrad Grebel University College, the oldest centre for peace and conflict issues in Canada.

Upon completion of each level, participants will receive a Certificate
from Conrad Grebel University College, and one credit towards a Certificate in Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management.

The course consists of two 3-day modules, usually taught several weeks apart.
Level 1 (3 days)

Dispute Resolution Overview
  • Conflict resolution styles
  • Communication skills for resolving conflict
  • Dispute resolution strategies
  • Interest-based negotiation
  • Mediation principles and processes
  • Arbitration principles and processes
  Level 2 (3 days)

Intensive Mediation Clinic
  • Mediation model and methods
  • Dealing with impasses
  • Mediation retainer contracts
  • Ethical dilemmas in mediation
  • Ontario Mandatory Mediation Program
  • Starting a mediation practice

Course Leaders
Barbara Landau, Ph.D., LLM., C. Med

Dr. Landau is a Mediator, Psychologist and Lawyer who restricts her practice to mediation, individual and marital counseling and training. She co-authored the Family Mediation Handbook (Butterworths), edited Children's Rights in the Practice of Family Law (Carswell) and has written numerous articles about mediation. Dr. Landau is a former president of the Ontario Association for Family Mediation, a former executive member of the Academy of Family Mediators and previous chair of their International and Domestic Violence Committees. She was an executive member of the CBAO Alternative Dispute Resolution Section, a past Vice President of the Feminist Legal Analysis Section and a Vice President of the Arbitration and Mediation Institute of Ontario.

As a mediator, Dr. Landau has worked with hundreds of families, a wide range of government and private corporations, unions, and Boards of Directors. She is a member of the Toronto Mandatory Mediation Roster and a Certified Comprehensive Family Mediator. She has mediated a wide range of issues including, family, wrongful dismissal, harassment, contract disputes, estate matters, partnership issues, medical negligence, property claims, and others.

Sy Landau, B.A.Sc., M.B.A., C.H.R.P.

Sy Landau is a Professional Engineer, a member of ADR Institute of Ontario and the Association for Conflict Resolution, and a Certified Human Resources Professional. For 13 years he was a Vice President at a large financial institution, responsible for human resources. During his tenure, the company was rated one of the best places to work in Canada.

As a consultant, Sy works with organizations in all sectors on succession planning, strategic planning, organization development and executive development. He plans and facillitates retreats for group problem solving. Sy helps clients resolve difficult workplace conflicts, and is a roster mediator Ontario Mandatory Mediation Program, Toronto. Sy recently co-authoured a book with Barbara and Daryl Landau: "From Conflict To Creativity", Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.

Richard Russell, B.A., LL.B., C.Med.
Chartered Mediator, (AMIC), Fellow, International Academy of Mediators

Rick Russell has a broad range of experience in dispute resolution, having practiced as a civil litigation lawyer, ombudsman, mediator, facilitator, arbitrator, third party fact finder and trainer since 1988.

Rick has mediated well over one thousand cases since 1988. These include business and commercial matters, bodily injury, disability and general insurance claims, workplace and employment, estates, human rights, insolvency, securities, real estate and land use matters.

Rick is active as a trainer, offering public courses in ADR and Advanced Mediation in association with the Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies at Conrad Grebel University College, University of Waterloo. He also instructs in the University of Toronto's Certificate Program in Dispute Resolution, and for Queen's University's Industrial Relations Centre. His in house training clientele include Royal & SunAlliance insurance, Sun Life Financial, Parks Canada Agency, Canada Customs & Revenue Agency, Morrison Hershfield Consulting Engineers, and many others.

Rick has done pioneering work in the use of the Partnering model in the fields of mining, construction, financial services, labour relations, health care and communication across Canada. He has facilitated nearly one hundred workshops in every region of the country and has successfully adapted the Partnering model to many novel applications.

Rick has acted as a consultant in the field of integrated conflict management systems design, in the public, non profit and private sectors, and is the author of numerous papers, as well as The Ombuds Model, a chapter in the CCH Alternative Dispute Resolution Practice Manual.

A Fellow of the International Academy of Mediators, and a Chartered Mediator (ADR Institute of Canada), Rick is a graduate of Law at the University of Western Ontario and lives in Dundas, Ontario with his two sons, Richard and Cameron.

Daryl Landau, M.A., M.Sc.

Daryl Landau is a conflict management consultant with Organizational Strategies Group. He has helped a variety of organizations to resolve difficult conflicts. He mediates community and workplace cases for St. Stephen's Community House and Conflict Mediation Services of Downsview. He is also a Roster Mediator who handles civil litigation cases under the Ontario Mandatory Mediation Program.

Daryl is co-author of the recently released book From Conflict To Creativity: How Resolving Workplace Disagreements Can Inspire Innovation and Productivity, published by Jossey-Bass (2001). He has also published work in the area of Trust Building and Blame Attribution.

Daryl teaches "Conflict Management and Negotiation in an Organizational Setting" at George Brown College. He has delivered training programs on "Win/Win Negotiation," "Conflict Management," and other topics. His clients have included Baycrest Hospital, the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Humber College, and Roger's. For 10 years, Daryl has coached over 1000 new mediators in mediation training courses.

Locations Program Dates Fees
Toronto - Waterloo  
A retreat (residential or non-residential) at Cedarbrook Farm Conference Centre, between Toronto, Waterloo and Hamilton.

A transformative process in a transforming setting
Level 1
Sept. 30 - Oct. 2, 2004
July 11 - 13, 2005

Level 2
Oct. 21 - 23, 2004
July 14 - 16, 2005

Mediating in the Meadows
for pricing details
(in-house courses available in other locations upon request)
Level 1
Jan. 20 - 22, 2005
Sept. 22 - 24, 2005

Level 2
Feb. 10 - 12, 2005
Oct. 20 - 22, 2005

Level 1
(includes $65.00 GST)

Level 2
(includes $77.00 GST)

The full 6 day Certificate program
(includes $142.00 GST)

For more information:
Alyson McNiece at Cooperative Solutions
Phone toll-free 1-888-595-5534
Fax: 416-391-2347

Fees include:
  • course materials
  • a copy of the book "From Conflict to Creativity", by Sy, Barbara and Daryl Landau (Jossey-Bass 2001)
  • Conrad Grebel University College Certificate and 1 credit toward the Certificate in Conflict Management for each 3-day level
  • ADR Ontario

5% discount for payment in full received 30 days prior to the course start date.

Refunds less $160.00 administration fee for written notice of withdrawal up to 14 days prior to course start date.


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