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Family Mediation: Theory and Practice
7 days* including 2 days on Domestic Violence
This course counts as credit toward a Certificate in Conflict Management from
Conrad Grebel University College, University of Waterloo.


I The Mediation Process
* Additional 2 days required for those without previous approved mediation training.
  • ADR Strategies
  • The Mediation Model: 4 key principles
  • The Mediation Process
  • Communciation skills
  • Simulated mediation cases and role plays which will be used to:
    • Identify key issues, 
    • Develop a strategy for mediation, 
    • Teach conflict resolution skills
II An overview of family law as it pertains to: 
  • Mediation and assessments
  • Custody and access
  • Child and spousal support
  • Division of property, including the matrimonial home
  • Domestic contracts
III Mediation in Practice, including: 
  • Mediation retainer contracts for solicitors and clients 
  • Impartiality, confidentiality, disclosure and fees
  • Open and Closed mediation
  • Steps in the Mediation Process for: 
  • Parenting Plans, 
  • Child and Spousal Support
  • Division of Property and the Matrimonial Home
IV Mediation and Domestic Violence: This counts toward the current OAFM and FMC requirements in domestic violence training.
  • How to screen for abuse and power imbalance
  • How to determine when mediation is/is not appropriate
  • How to implement safety measures and safe termination
  • Alternatives when mediation is not appropriate
  • How to identify concerns of individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds
  • How to adapt parenting plans
V Psychological Issues including: 
  • The effects of separation on children, adults, extended family members and new partners
  • Parent/child relationships
  • Step-parent/child relationships
VI Family Mediation Skills 

Communciation skills and simulated mediation cases which will be used to:
  • Identify key issues
  • Develop a strategy for mediation
  • Teach conflict resolution skills
  • Interview children
  • Involve new partners and/or extended family members
  • Draw attention to ethical issues in divorce mediation
  • Prepare a "Memorandum of Understanding"
VII Research Evaluating the Outcomes of Mediation
  • Articles and Bibliography in the course materials

Course Evaluations

Dr. Landau's courses have consistently received excellent reviews from participants in her Basic and Advanced courses.  Here are some of their comments:

"I am writing to thank you once again for your wonderfully informative and inspiring course. It is clear that the groundbreaking work you've done in the areas of mediation and collaborative family law have had, and will continue to have, a major impact on the way family law is practised in the province of Ontario.

Taking this course has had a major impact on me professionally. As a result of having taken this course, I now realize that (forgive the cliché!) I can be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Collaborative family law and mediation are very exciting to me and I look forward to including these areas in my practice."

Rosanna Breitman, B.A., LL.B

"Barbara - you are dynamic! - full of energy, so well-informed and on top of everything...Amazing impact on me."
" Terrific: legal, financial, developmental information was well-covered."
"A great course in an enjoyable atmosphere (loved the humour)."

Fall 2004
ADR Intro - Nov. 2 - 3
Part 1 - Nov. 4 - 6
Domestic Violence and
Part 2 - Dec. 1 - 4

Fee: 7 day Program
$1,770.00 (plus G.S.T.)
  Spring 2005
ADR Intro - Mar. 8 - 9
Part 1 - Mar. 10 - 12
Domestic Violence and
Part 2 - Apr. 6 - 9

Fee: 7 day Program
$1,770.00 (plus G.S.T.)
  Fall 2005
ADR Intro - Nov. 8 - 9
Part 1 - Nov. 10 - 12
Domestic Violence and
Part 2 - Nov. 30 - Dec. 3

Fee: 7 day Program
$1,770.00 (plus G.S.T.)

5% discount for payment in full received 30 days prior to the course start date.

Refunds less $160.00 administration fee for written notice of withdrawal up to 14 days prior to course start date.

For more information:
Alyson McNiece at Cooperative Solutions
Phone toll-free 1-888-595-5534
Fax: 416-391-2347

Included in your registration fee, you will receive:

  • the FAMILY MEDIATION HANDBOOK, 3rd edition, by Barbara Landau, Lorne Wolfson, Niki Landau, Mario Bartoletti and Ruth Mesbur-Butterworths, 2000
  • extensive written materials and precedents
  • CERTIFICATES from the:
         * ADR Institute of Ontario and;
         * Conrad Grebel University College (University of Waterloo)
  • Two credits toward a certificate in Peace and Conflict Studies


1. Mediation Process (2 days) - Registrants who have already completed an approved mediation training program of at least 2 days may be excused. The fee for the remaining 2 day program is $470.00 plus GST.

2. Domestic Violence (2 days) - Family mediators may register for the Domestic Violence section. The fee is $550 plus GST.

If you prefer to register by mail, send your cheque to:
Dr. Barbara Landau
76 Truman Road
Toronto, Ontario M2L 2L6
Telephone: (416) 391-3110
Fax: (416) 391-2347


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