Family Mediation and Collaborative Practice Handbook, 4th Edition
Authors: Barbara Landau, Lorne Wolfson, Niki Landau

Formerly entitled Family Mediation Handbook, this book clearly describes the goals, theory, and the procedures followed in both mediation and "collaborative law" - a new model for non-adversarial dispute resolution that has evolved since the last edition was published in October 2000.

* Now Includes CD-ROM with forms and appendices for easy access

Coverage Includes:
  • Alternative methods of non-adversarial dispute resolution
  • Screening candidates for appropriateness, including domestic violence and power imbalances
  • An interest based approach and steps in the Mediation model
  • An interdisciplinary model of Collaborative Practice, including mediators, collaborative lawyers, accountants, financial specialists, divorce coaches, child specialists & parenting coordinators
  • Steps in the Collaborative Family Law, Collaborative Divorce and Collaborative Mediation models
  • Communication skills for successful Mediation and Collaborative Practice
  • Protecting the best interests of children in the creation of Parenting Plans
  • Up to date review of family law, including custody, access, support and property issues
  • Qualifications for mediators and rules of professional conduct for mediators and collaborative lawyers
New in this Edition:
  • Summary of recent research on the effects of separation and divorce on children and key considerations for Parenting Plans
  • Screening tools for identifying abuse and power imbalances and determining who is or is not appropriate for Mediation and Collaborative Law
  • Update on spousal support including the draft Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines released by the Federal government in January, 2005
  • Income tax implications of support and property transactions are substantially expanded
Features & Benefits
  • Practical, Client-Friendly Forms & Precedents Forms and appendices for starting a practice are offered in an easily accessible CD ROM format and in hard copy within the text
  • Up-to-date Information Includes recent research studies and legislative changes
  • Full Coverage Describes both Mediation and Collaborative Law processes and procedures

Who Should Buy this book?
  • Family Law Lawyers and Mediators helping you better serve clients who wish to resolve divorce or custody issues
  • Accountants, Certified Divorce Specialists, Business Valuators, Counselors, Divorce Coaches, Child Specialists, Parenting Coordinators and other Practitioners of Alternative Dispute Resolution who act on behalf of families who are separating or divorcing.
Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Historical Overview of Mediation, Collaborative Law and other Non-Adversarial Approaches
Chapter 2: Dispute Resolution: Alternative Methods
Chapter 3: Practice Issues and Screening for Appropriateness
Chapter 4: An Interest Based Approach and Steps in the Mediation Model
Chapter 5: Managing the Collaborative Process
Chapter 6: Protecting the Best Interests of Children
Chapter 7: Collaborative Family Law and Mediation: An Interdisciplinary Model
Chapter 8: Legal Issues: Custody and Access
Chapter 9: Legal Issues: Support and Property
Chapter 10: Mediation and Collaborative Law: Professional Conduct
Chapter 11: Mediation in Practice: Memorandum of Understanding
Chapter 12: Custody Assessments
Chapter 13: The Mediator/Assessor as Expert Witness

About the Authors

Barbara Landau, Ph.D., LL.M. President, Cooperative Solutions: psychologist, lawyer, mediator, and trainer. She is a Certified Comprehensive Family Mediator and trainer in Collaborative Practice and received the Long Term Achievement Award (FAMMA) from Family Mediation Canada, 2004, the Distinguished Mediator Award from the Association for Conflict Resolution, 2003; and the Award for Excellence in Dispute Resolution from the Ontario Bar Association, ADR Section, 2002. Her mediation training programs are offered through Conrad Grebel University College, University of Waterloo and her Collaborative Practice programs through Cooperative Solutions.

Lorne H. Wolfson is a certified specialist in family law at the Toronto law firm, Torkin Manes. In addition, he has been appointed a Dispute Resolution Officer of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. He is the Chair of the Family Law Specialty Committee of The Law Society of Upper Canada. He is also a member of the Ontario Association for Family Mediation, Family Mediation Canada and the ADR Institute.

Niki Landau, B.F.A., M.F.A., is a mediator and conflict resolution trainer. She is trained in Alternative Dispute Resolution, Community Mediation, and Basic and Advanced Family Mediation and specializes in Conflict Resolution, Mediation and Communication Skills training. Ms. Landau is a Roster Trainer at St. Stephens Conflict Resolution Service, and was the Training Coordinator there from 1998 - 2001. She has been a coach and trainer for Cooperative Solutions and Organizational Strategies Group since 1995.

$90 + GST * Approx. 512 Pages * August 2005 * Hardcover + CD ROM * ISBN: 0 433 44596-3

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