Family Mediation Handbook, 3rd Edition
Written by: Barbara Landau, Lorne Wolfson, Niki Landau,
Mario Bartoletti & Ruth Mesbur
Publisher: Butterworths Canada Ltd., 2000

Turn to this practical guide to gain a thorough understanding of what family mediation is and how it is distinguishable from other types of dispute resolution. It details the rights and responsibilities of the various participants and the procedures involved. The 3rd Edition outlines the latest remedies and amendments put into place to deal with power imbalances in domestic relationships and improve child safety. It also discusses the changing definition of spouse, the expansion of who is eligible for spousal support and spousal property rights. Income tax implications for both child and spousal support are thoroughly addressed.

Specific issues addressed:

  • Federal Child Support Guidelines and revisions to the Income Tax Act that affect child support
  • Custody recommendations put forth by the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons in their 1998 report For the Sake of the Children
  • Current requirements for mediators and lawyers acting as mediators; new dispute resolution techniques; and an outline of Family Mediation Canadas Family Mediator Certification Program
  • Forms and precedents include retainer contracts, parenting plan, outline of custody access and examples of pertinent letters.

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