Dispute Resolution Training
ADR: Mediation & Negotiation Skills
This training course is approved by the ADR Institute and is offered in partnership with Conrad Grebel University College at the University of Waterloo. Upon completion of the 6-day program, participants will receive:
- a certificate from the ADR Institute of Ontario
- 2 certificates from Conrad Grebel University College (1 per level)
- 2 credits towards the certificate in Conflict Management Studies from Conrad Grebel University College (1 per level)
The training course consists of two 3-day modules, usually taught several weeks apart.
As required by the Mediation associations, the full course must be completed within one year.
Level 1 (3 days)
Dispute Resolution Overview
- Dispute resolution concepts and strategies
- Arbitration principles and procedures
- Interest-based negotiation
- Conflict coaching
- Mediation principles and processes
- Communication skills for resolving conflict
Level 2 (3 days)
Intensive Mediation Clinic
- Mediation model and methods
- Dealing with impasses
- Working with Counsel and other agents
- Ethical dilemmas in mediation
- Civil procedure and mandatory mediation
- Starting a mediation practice
Course Leaders: (click to review)
SY LANDAU, M.B.A., P.Eng., C.H.R.P.
DARYL LANDAU, M.A., M.Sc. Guest Faculty:
Barry B. Fisher - Barrister, Arbitrator, Mediator
Course leaders and guest faculty are
Roster Mediators, Ontario Mandatory Mediation Program - Toronto, Ottawa and/or Windsor
Click Here ---- Frequently Asked Questions ---- Click Here
Teaching Methods
The program consists of two 3-day modules, usually several weeks apart.
The material is taught through short lectures, videos, self-assessment instruments, case studies, group discussion and multiple role plays.
Experts in the field of arbitration and mediation are included as guest faculty and role-play coaches.
Who Should Attend
Lawyers, mental health professionals, human resources professionals, clerics, educators and others who advise clients about negotiation, arbitration or mediation, or who want to become arbitrators or mediators.
ADR Institute of Ontario Upon completion of Level 2, participants will receive a Certificate from ADR Institute of Ontario.
Click Here ---- Frequently Asked Questions ---- Click Here |
Locations |
Program Dates |
Fees |
(in-house courses available in other locations upon request)
Level 1
Sept. 27 - 29, 2007
Level 2 Feb. 15 - 17, 2007
Oct. 18 - 20, 2007
Level 1
(includes $58.00 GST)
Level 2
(includes $67.00 GST)
The full 6 day Certificate program
(includes $125.00 GST)
A retreat (residential or non-residential) at Cedarbrook Farm Conference Centre, between Toronto, Waterloo and Hamilton.
A transformative process in a transforming setting
Level 1
July 9 - 11, 2007
Level 2
July 12 - 14, 2007
Mediating in the Meadows
for pricing details
**NOTE: Any registrations made within 10 business days of the course commencement will be subject to an additional $50 administration fee to cover the additional cost of printing materials and other extra administrative costs.
For more information:
Course Administrator at Cooperative Solutions
Phone: (416) 481-3651
Phone toll-free 1 (888) 595-5534
Fax: 416-391-2347
Fees include:
- course materials
- a copy of the book "From Conflict to Creativity", by Sy, Barbara and Daryl Landau (Jossey-Bass 2001)
- 1 Conrad Grebel University College Certificate and 1 credit toward the Certificate in Conflict Management for each 3-day level
- a Certificate from ADR Institute of Ontario upon completion of the 6-day course.
5% discount for payment in full received 30 days prior to the course start date.
Refunds less $160.00 administration fee for written notice of withdrawal up to 14 days prior to course start date.
Click Here - REGISTRATION FORM - Click Here