Daryl Landau, M.A., M.Sc.

Daryl Landau is a conflict management consultant with Organizational Strategies Group. He has helped a variety of organizations to resolve difficult conflicts. He mediates community and workplace cases for St. Stephen's Community House and Conflict Mediation Services of Downsview. He is also a Roster Mediator who handles civil litigation cases under the Ontario Mandatory Mediation Program.

Daryl is co-author of the recently released book From Conflict To Creativity: How Resolving Workplace Disagreements Can Inspire Innovation and Productivity, published by Jossey-Bass (2001). He has also published work in the area of Trust Building and Blame Attribution.

Daryl teaches "Conflict Management and Negotiation in an Organizational Setting" at George Brown College. He has delivered training programs on "Win/Win Negotiation," "Conflict Management," and other topics. His clients have included Baycrest Hospital, the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Humber College, and Roger's. For 10 years, Daryl has coached over 1000 new mediators in mediation training courses.