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Practice In Motion
Mediating in a Competitive Environment

For people who want into the dispute resolution business AND who are tired of waiting.

A 3-day* experience- (*2 days in-class plus pre- and post-workshop coaching)

Presented by Agree and Cooperative Solutions
In partnership with
Conrad Grebel University College at the University of Waterloo

Next Workshop: TBA

  • Move your practice into high gear!
  • Work with a business coach experienced in what it takes to build an ADR practice
  • Find your niche and exploit your business assets
  • Network with a group of ambitious peers who can share ideas and encouragement for practice development strategies
  • Prepare yourself to meet the challenge of mediating with assertive legal counsel
  • Learn the strategic differences between full day private mediations and half day court-connected commercial mediation
  • Uncover strategies that will make you more effective in each
  • Practice proven closing strategies to overcome impasse and keep them talking

Come Qualified

This is a serious, business-oriented workshop for people prepared to invest the time, effort and money to get their practice moving.  Do not waste your time or money if you do not have the qualifications. 

Qualifications Include:

Knowledge of Interest-Based Mediation acquired through formal training and/or practical experience.

Resources to pay for an intensive, hands-on experience

Commitment to action, decisive decision-making and work in creating and executing a plan for success in commercial mediation

Time to research your marketplace, work your unique network of contacts and follow up business leads

Openness to learn more about being an effective mediator in the highly competitive, transactional, deal-centered business that is commercial mediation

Wisdom to appreciate the strategic differences between relationship-driven workplace and interpersonal mediation and transactional, court-connected mediation

Impatience to get on with the business of building your practice

An Entrepreneurial Bent:  this program provides business coaching for the business-minded mediator

Course Leaders: (click to review)

SY LANDAU, M.B.A., P.Eng., C.H.R.P.


Workshop Agenda

Preparation (1/2 day)
  • Review of mediation process
  • Self-analysis of practice objectives and status
  • Identification of areas of interest
  • Strategic analysis of a case 
  • Coaching
Workshop Day 1
  • Knowing Yourself as a Mediator
  • Transactional Mediation characteristics & types
  • What lawyers want in a mediator
  • Preparing to mediate
  • Mediation Aikido: Dealing with the unexpected
  • Co-mediation
  • Directive mediation
  • Caucusing
  • Marketing
  • Role plays, videos, demos, participant presentations
Workshop Day 2
  • Riding the mediator rollercoaster
  • Negotiating styles
  • Shuttle negotiation
  • Impasses
  • Evaluative mediation
  • Closing the deal
  • Taking the call: responding to inquiries
  • Practice issues: marketing, finance, business development
  • Role plays, videos, demos, participant presentations
Coaching - (1/2 day)
  • Conference call discussions on practice issues: marketing, finance, business development

For more information:

Alyson McNiece at Cooperative Solutions
Phone toll-free 1-888-595-5534
Fax: 416-391-2347

Next Workshop: TBA

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