This training course is the second of two 3-day modules. Participants will continue to study interest based medition topics. This course has been approved by the ADR Institute.
• Interest-Based Mediation (3 days)
• Mediation model and methods
• Dealing with impasses
• Working with Counsel and other agents
• Ethical dilemmas in mediation
• Civil procedure and mandatory mediation
• Starting a mediation practice
• Participant Comments:
“Daryl, thank you again for your efforts and your class. I found it very helpful and your teaching and coaching style to be very informative as well as understanding…I feel envigorated.” – David Bruce, businessman
“Course was fantastic and exceeded my expectations. Thank you! I loved the multi-disciplinary approach…and the mix of teachers’ materials. The role plays were a great learning tool.” – Mindy Yi, consultant
“He was very engaging and able to draw the whole group into full participation.” – Joseph N. De Sommer, lawyer/mediator